
20/20 Leadership Business Expo

Great Day at the 20/20 Leadership Business Expo at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center! Samantha McCloud and Kyle Waggoner went to represent GastingerWalker& and share their experience. The Business Expo is an opportunity for students to meet and interact with professionals from a variety of fields to understand their careers, as well as the education required to work on those roles.

We Care 2016 - Boys and Girls Club of Kansas City

Yesterday, GastingerWalker& got the honor of hosting a craft table to support We Care at Boys and Girls Club. Local architects join together to help create crafts for children to make for the holidays. We Care's mission is to provide food and clothing to individuals and families in our community and beyond.

Color + Couture 2015


Congrats to the GastingerWalker& team for all the work they put into the dress they created for Color + Couture. They walked away with an award for “Best Interpretation of Theme”

This year the theme of the show was Kansas City Landmarks. Our team selected Powell Gardens.